Filename: "schtasks.exe"; Parameters: "{code:GetDoModuleTaskAddParams}"; Description: "Module Job Task"; Flags: runhidden; Check: GetDoModuleTask;
function GetModuleTaskAddParams(Default: String):String;
// This will use the Operation System SYSTEM account for running the task
result := '/Create /RL HIGHEST /F /TN "Module Job" /SC DAILY /ST 23:59 /RU "" /TR "' + ModuleSubDir + '\' + ModuleFileName;
result := result + '"';
This is helpful, however I am doing the following:
function GetModuleTaskAddParams(Default: String):String;
// This will use the Operation System SYSTEM account for running the task
result := '/Create /RL HIGHEST /F /TN "Advantage Update" /SC ONLOGON /RU "System" /TR "' + ExpandConstant('{app}\wyUpdate.exe /quickcheck /noerr');
result := result + '"';
The App folder typically is C:\Program Files (x86\AppName so when the task is created i have a problem where it looks like it sets the following:
PROGRAM: C:\Program
ARGUMENTS: Files (x86\AppName\executable.exe /switch
how can i fix?
The space the directory names is causing the problem You should try putting " (double quotes) around {app} and then try again. Let me know if that works since I remember solving this problem earlier and can locate the fix.
Double quotes seem to cause the task to not be created.
Did you try something like this:
ExpandConstant('"{app}\wyUpdate.exe /quickcheck /noerr"'). If not try this as well and post what didn't work for you...
Use \"" before and after task exe full path name as in following -
Parameters: "/create /tn ""Virtualbox Service Server"" /tr ""\""{app}\VBoxService.exe\"" -tray"" /sc onlogon /rl highest /delay 0000:30";
Source of answer -
Use \"" before and after task exe full path name as in following -
Parameters: "/create /tn ""Virtualbox Service Server"" /tr ""\""{app}\VBoxService.exe\"" -tray"" /sc onlogon /rl highest /delay 0000:30";
Source of answer -
hello all
I'm trying to run task schedule to uninstall my software after one year
function GetUninstallDate(Param: string): string;
Year, NextYear: string;
// schtasks needs localized date string
Result := GetDateTimeString('ddddd', #0, #0);
// calculate the next year
Year := GetDateTimeString('yyyy', #0, #0);
NextYear := IntToStr(StrToInt(Year) + 1);
StringChange(Result, Year, NextYear);
how could i test it
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